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Sterling TX transmitters are blue in colour. Four TX models where produced - TX9, TX9 Plus, TX12 and TX20. Please note the TX12 and 20 where superseded by the RangeMax series in 2009. However many parts are still available and listed here. Please contact us if you are unsure of your model type.
High visability antenna, designed to be seen in the grass, fits all sterling transmitters
Sterling TX-9 Plus & TX-20 Standard Cap Standard cap (flat top) Fits all TX-9 trans..
This item is no longer available in blue, a black alternative will be supplied.
Sterling TX-9 & TX-12 Standard Cap Standard cap (flat top) Fits all TX-9 transmitters&nb..
Please note this lid is no longer available. However the RangeMax 12 slotted lid is identical,